Many Panhandle residents have become interested in beekeeping in recent years. Some, because of the widespread media attention that highlights the need to help the embattled honey bee, an insect responsible for much of the food we eat. Others because of the desire to be able to provide 'real' honey for their families.

Perhaps you are attracted to beekeeping in order to help the honey bee, produce honey, beeswax or other hive products. You might have a desire to have a managed pollinator for your garden. Or, you might just be curious about beekeeping. Whatever the reason, you will come to find that beekeeping will sharpen your observation skills and you will become much more interested in learning when and what nectar and pollen sources are available in the area. You'll learn the names of trees, shrubs and plants that you may not have noticed in the past. You'll also track the weather in conjunction with caring for your bees. One of the truly engrossing facets of beekeeping is that you are always learning something new--no matter how long you have been keeping bees.

There is a wealth of information and knowledge available from the experienced beekeepers in our Association. We've all made rookie mistakes, but many of these can be avoided by attending meetings and asking questions. All of our members are more than willing to lend an ear and provide you with answers.

Our Association promotes and supports all aspects of beekeeping in our area and in the state. Our purpose is the development and promotion of practical beekeeping methods to members and the general public as well as acting in the interest of beekeepers in protecting and conducting beekeeping affairs. We act as a medium for the promotion of management techniques for honeybees using tried and proven methods for mutual benefit. We also promote honey in its wholesome image as well as promote beekeeping to the general public through encouragement and education.